March 31, 2005

the eye 10

watched this movie the eye 10 wif kak irma last nite at gsc... bolela tp mcm bosan.. one and a half hours seemed to be very very long~ xyah gi tgk lah ye.. tunggu cd je nnt.. hehe.. x worth utk ditonton di panggung wayang.. still wondering, is it a horror movie or a comedy? hehe.. read a comment by a viewer here

find it quite hard to search for the eye 10 things online, what i got from one
website is this pic:

tp aku rs mcm xde kaitan je ngn movie yg aku tgk smlm, huhu... but then when i check for another site pun ada gmbr yg sama and stated that the movie was produced by Peter Chan and directed by these 2 Pang brothers.. kita betul la tu kan.. dan review serba skit mcm betul.. gmbr/poster nye je yg mcm mengkompiuskan.. huhu.. sengal betul~

ade plak hantu men basketball.. so
rough, baik ko jaga jaga skit, kang ko x sedar je yg ko men basketball ngn hantu tu, huahuahau..

ada gak hantu yg kesian dlm citer ni.. hantu paling cun la tu.. minah siam yg x tau yg dia dh mati dlm satu eksiden.. so asik berkeliaran je, mcm mencari sesuatu.. sian... sangat kesian~

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