March 3, 2005

jason, the sepet boy

watched this movie SEPET, directed by Yasmin Ahmad wif kak irma and kak mazlin last nite.. mmg best.. ke'slumber'an yg sgt melampau, hehe.. read about the synopsis here, in the official website.

watak orked, played by sharifah amani, and jason, played by ng choo seong, rasanya berjaya memberikan impak yg agak hebat pada aku... filmed around ipoh town, this movie is kinda different as compared to other malaysian movies.. kisah cinta one chinese boy and one malay girl, nmpk mcm simple tp mmg superb sbnrnye..susah sbnrnye untuk aku describe pasal citer ni pasal aku rs adalah lebih baik kalo korang pi tgk sendiri, hehe.. wat promo laks.. mmg x rugi nye.. stakat byr rm6 (sbb pegi hr rabu, hehe) mmg berbaloi la.. mcm amani ckp dlm komen dia kat MHI ari tu, mmg x mcm berlakon.. everything seems to be very natural.. paling sedih bila jason mntk orked call dia sbb bila dh lama orked x call sbb marah kat jason, jason x bole nk tido dgn tenang.. dia mntk orked call dia so that dia bole tido dgn tenang kembali, dan bila orked call sblm orked fly tu, mmg jason akhirnya dpt tidur dgn tenang, sampai bila bila.. uhuk uhukk.. sedih.. tp ending yg Yasmin Ahmad buat ni aku rs mcm bole juga diinterpret sebaliknya.. depends on the viewers.. kalo u want it to ends happily then you also can la.. hehe.. all in all, mmg best. bravo to all the crew and cast.. and jason, you mmg sgt leng chai, walaupun sepet ;P

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