March 21, 2005

sepet, the uncut version

during my visit to makteh's house last week, have been watching this sepet movie again, twice, haha.. makteh bought this ori cd at 19.90. few scenes being cut off for cinema show can be viewed in the ori cd. xde la byk sgt.. few scenes of ida and harith yg ala ala geli skit, huhu.. but there's on part yg dipotong yg aku nk diskas skit kats ini.. semasa orked, jason, and keong sdg minum minum kat taman kanak kanak (medan selera dato' tahwil azar)

(this part x dipotong)
orked: hrrmm, weird, you guys don't seemed like the guys from here i thought would be la.. writing poetry, playing piano..

keong: eh, you can't stereotype people.. not all chinese are cheat, and not all malays are lazy...

(this part only been showed in the ori cd)
orked: aaa, you're getting it wrong.... every malay, IS lazy..

heh.. bukan nk kata.. tp somehow, it's kinda true.. especially, when talking about me, malas giler dowh nk wat keje research ni~!!!

orked and jason @ ciken king :)

and just now i opened the utusan online, reporting Sepet had won this award (anugerah utama) from a film festival in france. bravo to yasmin ahmad and team~!!

Menurut wakil juri festival, terdapat perdebatan hangat bagi menentukan filem mana yang dapat memenangi anugerah filem terbaik kerana setiap filem menawarkan tema serta perspektif yang berbeza. "Walau bagaimanapun, para juri telah jatuh cinta dengan filem Sepet yang penuh dengan ketulusan, humor dan terjemahan menakjubkan daripada pelakon-pelakonnya,'' katanya.

read more here.

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