April 14, 2005

balik-kampung mode

i'm in balik-kampung-mode oledi. balik kampung this time is not for cuti cuti, had to attend this assessment thing near hometown, so its best to drop by mama's home first, so tonite can makan makan kat paksu's dissana. maybe should try makan makan at family's corner too i guess. makan aje yg diingat.

hey, what shall i be talking for the next three days man? or shall i just keep my mouth shut? huh!! will it be proper? will it be sufficient? just to make myself present way up in kedah with my mouth shut? heh, kinda weird huh. but i'm not really kinda ppl who can deliver ideas on the spot, especially in english la of kos, hehe.. isk isk.. susah banget sih.. wat to do? wait up for the report heh ;P

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