April 11, 2005

two distinct successful achievement in their lives

their achievement at the age of 26 really make me proud, hehe.. mitra, a friend of mine, an ex-rumet at Etana back in 1999. very hardworking, but loves sleeping very much too, hehe... hebat betul mitra, being the first malaysian to be involved in the bionic eye project (eventhough i don't have any idea on what the heck it's all about, hehe) she completed her masters at scotland last year and now pursuing her phd in ostolia under UTM's lecturer sheme. got this newspaper cutting from utusan

dan thinking of kejayaan siti to held a solo concert way in london sumtimes made me feel the goosebumps on my hand and on my neck. this ultimate lady of pahang really showed her charisma and strong spirit to the world, and malaysia especially, that she could also bring malaysia to the eyes of the world, walaupun hanya dlm bidang nyanyian. she certainly had shown that she had the power and talent of doing so. can't wait to see the recorded video of the concert, tah ade tah tidak kat tv tu nnt. (masa mhi tnjk skit² video liputan konsert siti kat london tu, ada plak trnmpk naiza, x-rumet mitra too, kat depan malaysian hall tu, saje je tau nk interframe, hehe..)

dan aku, at the age of 26, over a quarter of a decade, masih di sini. tiada sebarang kejayaan besar. except for knowing on how to dress of course. like always been said by Ustaz, solah will surely bring you falah, at least now we know how to put on our dress, unlike when we were born, with not a single line of thread.. at least we know one thing, at least.. that's a falah too...

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