May 31, 2005

blogspot aku wat hal lak, dem!!

tah nape la.. blog ni xleh plak nk diview kat pc ni.. asik kuar path address error la plak.. agaknya itu adalah satu petanda bahawa aku xleh nk aktif memblogging dah, haha.. dunno why huh.. kinda weird.. hmfff... so let me give a summary for what i've been doing for the last few days and last wiken..

on friday went to kl with arif and his cousin, planned to go for petronas walk-in interview at nikko hotel. got the news about it from arif and in jobstreet. arrived at makteh's place at around 2300 and watched anna and the king.. had a late supper from uncle jamal's birthday party - nasik lemak, sedap jugak! woke up the nest day and arrived at nikko at around 0700hrs, awal dowh, i was the 5th person in line for the screening by jobstreet ppl. failed the screening since the requirement is unfulfilled, so went for a brekfes wif adlan and arip at the mamak kedai nearby. push-off to ipoh at 1000hrs and arrived around 1230hrs. went to sari 5 for a nap and joined kak elmi and intan to kuala kangsar for a silat demo. had alate lunch at 1700hrs at tepi sungai perak in kuale. stop-by at kakelmi's place in kamunting and went to the pasar malam before heading abg azmi (paklong)'s place in taman long jaafar F in taiping for mesy AJK cawangan kali kedua.. finished meeting at 023ohrs and drove up north. isyak at 0330hrs at r&r of gunung semanggol, felt really tired and decided to sleep in the surau.. woke up at 0615hrs to find that so many ppl are oledi praying fot subuh!! wat malu je, haha... continue driving to SP and reached at 0800hrs. continue sleeping until 1100am, woke up and dressed up to attend zam's wedding at padang sera. singgah at matcif's and nale's place, back to sp at 2300hrs. next day auntie omah and kids arrived from kepong. went for faiz's wedding in alor star wif kak lid and kak aini.. decided to leave for utp the next day since too tired.. bring auntie to pasar mlm and sp plaza. push off to UTP at 0645hrs and reach tronoh at 1030hrs...

sekian laporan, hehe.. dunno why felt so tired last weekend.. not enuff sleep i guess.. tapi dh pun dicover dgn jayanya~!!!

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