June 21, 2005

life is life

just another boring day in utp...

attended an interview session in spa perak early in the morning. rasanya mcm xde harapan, huhu.. arrived early at 7.40 am, i was the 4th out out 11 calon temuduga. panel of 3, a chinese and 2 malays. go in the room at 10 am. first question asked was why chose ipoh since the adress is in sungai petani, hehe.. explaining about the current situation, they seemed to be confused why did i apply for ptd since i was in a very diverse line. the provoking thingy made me feel very uneasy, sungguh terasa mcm nk menangis.. there were questions on biotechnology since i am in the engineering line, and obviously i can't answer that since no reading had being done and some q's on chemistry.. there were also questions on cabaran wawasan 2020, mcmana nk gubal undang², dan where can we find the post of ptd in a kerajaan negeri. dem, tu pun x leh nk jawab.. isk isk.. dan the worst was i was scolded for not bringing the relevant certs of activities, sijil berhenti skolah etc.. finished the session at 10.30 and straightly gone back to utp. that's it. no hope man. what to do.

planned of going to abg halim's office to present on e-silat, but he was on leave. maybe because it's his birthday today, hehe.. celebrating it by spending time with the family, windunye kat hanafi, lama x jumpa.. :)

dan dari pagi td asik main game je.. dan ni dh update blog plak.. supposed i'm seeing puan fidza to ask for the lab manuals, tp she had a meeting. encik jailani pun xde to ask about the GC. more works pending!

life is life. i have to do something with it. something outstanding. something big. something mega. so bored. can't decide anything. can't choose anything. can do nothing. life is life.

pesan ustaz:"Sebesar-besar bala, datang dugaan tak tahan sabar..."

lagu yang menjadi theme utk persembahan media oleh jabatan penerangan psscm masa majlis makan malam perdana held in dewan tun razak, pwtc last saturday. presiden pesaka, tan sri dato' seri muhammad bin muhd taib came to officiate the pelancaran 40 tahun psscm. the clip was mainly about ustaz hanafi. get the chance, the first time to hear the recorded voice of almarhum ustaz.. sayu dan sebak rasanya. clip gmbr² ustaz diiringi dgn lagu kau yang satu ni dan video lawatan ahli ke makam almarhum mmg sgt berkesan. ntah bila lg nk dpt peluang tgk clip tu lg. hope someday jabatan penerangan akan menayangkannya lagi, or maybe a copy of it ke cawangan² utk simpanan jabatan penerangan cawangan. lagu warisan mutlak plak diiringi gmbr² ustaz ishak, pun mmg berkesan. pun terasa sayu dan sebak. xtau kenapa sedih. entahlah.

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