July 9, 2014

on where we went. and how we went. and what we saw. nagaoka-niigata-nagaoka and everything in between. a one day visit.

nagaoka university of technology to nagaoka station 長岡駅
bus - 0955 - 1040


nagaoka station to niigata station 新潟駅
train - 1115 - 1205



niigata station to hakusan station 白山駅
train - 1240 - 1244

hakusan station to hakusan shrine
walk ~ 20 minutes
free of charge





hakusan shrine to niigata city culture and music hall
walk ~ 5 minutes
free of charge


niigata city culture music of hall - toki messe
walk ~ 45 minutes
free of charge






toki messe to niigata station
bus 1717 - 1725


break fast (buka puasa, bukan sarapan, hehe)
さいぜりやの spagetti & dessert


niigata to nagaoka university of technology
car pool - syukurla ada yg nk tumpangkan balik malam. hihu.
terima kasih banyak banyak

errr... xbrp prasan, tapi x byk mana pun la..
lebih lebih kurang yang termampu

end of trip :P


p/s: terima kasih kepada cikpuan nor taibah yang sudi teman saya ke sana dan menjadi model yang setia. kikikii...

ファジラ スリャニ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like like..!! comey anak jopun tuh..