March 28, 2005

stoberi on a shortcake

banner yg digantung kat dpn rumah sri pahang~

spent last weekend in cameron highlands pahang for psscmutp 10th program interaksi. total of around 80 students+alumni of psscmutp (from utp1 to utp11) joined the xtvt.

members of UTP1 - giler otai~!! hehehe...

actually i've finished typing for this entry but suddenly just now when i refreshed the page, everything's gone, demit~!! huhu.. nehow, everything was great up there except for the annoying IBU who cooked us the mentah tomato rice and also an accident occured near siputeh semasa perjalanan pulang ke utp ptg ahad tu.. between Q's car drove by anas, and azwad's car drove by sham.. luckily only 2 were lightly injured, tu pun azril had one stitch on the head and lukman had a small bruise on the shoulder. anas was fine but i guessed he might be in a kinda great trauma.. haizam was fine, still can continue the silat class the day after.. everybody in azwad's car were fine.. but then the car was kinda badly hit..

kete azwad~

perasmian by abg wan azlan - mmg best.. crita crita yg dia bgtau masa sesi bersama perasmi was kinda 'hot'.. hehe.. tahle adik adik asas tu paham ke idak.. sure mcm ala blur je.. hehe.. takpe dik.. lama lama nnt paham le kot.. sedangkan akak ni pun ala ala blur jugak, huhu~

most of my time spent at the dapur, helping shima.. tlg tgk je pun, dan bagi semangat serba sdikit.. risau gak nengok si shima tu kot satgi terkena lg penyakit hyperventilation yg dia kena masa interaksi sem lps, hehe.. sip baik la xde pape yg berlaku.. alhamdu lillah~

wif the dapur team~

everything's fine and fun, congrats to pengarah projek and team~ lenkali kita pi tmpt lain plak ye,.. bosan dah asik naik cameron je.. balik balik beli stoberi, bunga ngn sayur~ huhu~ harapnye dpt le amik iktibar daripada kejadian kejadian yg berlaku.. insyaAllah..

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