April 18, 2005

Extra tips for PAC candidates

hehe.. actually i'm not the right person to give out the tips, but then just wanna share the do's and dont's during the PAC attended...

1. wear smart attire, office attire, ladies, baju kurung is preferable, bukan xleh pakai baju kebaya, tapi kalo mcm ada terbelah belah tu dia x gemar sgt, seluar? bole jugak, tp org kerajaan kan, aku rasa derang prefer baju kurung, kalo korporat bole la pakai seluar seluar ni... guys, white shirt and black pants are preferable.. tp kalo x de tu i think pastel colour of shirt will do, light ones, light yellow, light blue, light green.. no coats/blazers are allowed but then depends on the facis though.. kasut kilat skit bang ye.. jgn le pakai yg berasap sgt.. kakak kakak pls wear high heel shoes, xperlu la smp 3 inci tu kan.. 1/2 to 1 inch will do.. lebeh pun bole..

2. walk smart, act like a goverment servant, although you are yet to be appointed as one.. kene tnjk the smart way of walking, gaya kepegawaian haruslah diserlahkan.. how? aku pun x sure, tgkje la camana pegawai pegawai kita berjalan, hehe.. kalo bawak beg atau fail, pegang leklok, like a pegawai.. jgn angkat kain atau kaki seluar while walking.. act smart ok..

3. smile smart- derang kata pegawai kerajaan ni ada one kind of smile, ye ke? hehe.. aku pun x prasan mcmana.. tp smile la, bukan kenyih, satgi dok tnjk gigi byk sgt, dah macam kerang busuk plak...

4. talk smart - of course.. speak as much as possible, brilliant on of course, jgn byk sgt mengarut.. jgn emosional.. cool skit.. pegawai kena cool, tau control keadaan.. for acitivities in groups where you need to discuss and the present the discussion, offer yourself to be the chairperson of the discussion or maybe as the presenter.. show yourself off.. show the determination and the leadership skill in you.. kalo xde tu pun x pe, berlakon je, only for 3 days man.. hehe.. and the issues picked for the public speaking, ensure that it is smart.. and you mastered the topic chosen..

you'll be assessed from the bottom to the top, the way you walk, the way you sit, the way you talk, your body language, your eye contact, the way you present yourself, everything.. sum ppl said, it was like the game series - The Apprentice, hehe.. (dh nk abih season 2, dh tau pun sapa yg menang, hehe.. kat US dh start season 3 ;P)

so all the best ye for those going, and for those who had gone for the PAC.. ganbatte kudasai~ :)>-

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