April 18, 2005

PAC Finale

day 3.. fewwhhh.. at last, it’s the final day.. didn’t think much oledi about this assessment, just thinking of going home.. mkn mi goring and roti for breakfast, sedap.. sum ppl said INTURA had the best café of all INTAN all over Malaysia.. ye ke? hehehe.. tp mmg sedap gak le..

then went up for the next activity – Debat Ala Parlimen.. i was on the pencadang side, a YB from Sungai Petani, hehehe… the title was “Pembangunan adalah lebih penting daripada pemeliharaan alam sekitar untuk kesejahteraan rakyat”… we had to defend on the stand and my point was on pembangunan untuk kepentingan sosial dan kebajikan… on how pembangunan is very important untuk menjamin keselesaan rakyat setempat, dengan penyediaan system penapisan dan system pembuangan sampah yang terancang, and this YB from Jeli and Kuala Nerang kept debating on my hujah, hehe.. sungguh meriah.. siap tepuk tepuk meja, mcm dlm parlimen tu la.. session goes for 1.5 hours, then we went for morning break, a roti canai, pun sedap..

then we had this talk by Tuan Haji Abdul Halim, an important figure from INTAN Bukit Kiara, the one in charged on the PAC being held all over Malaysia on what is Perkhidmatan Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD).. the scope of work and the salary… kinda interesting and kinda boring too.. hahaha…

went for lunch, the final one.. sedap betul gado-gado nye tu.. huhu.. pastu kak lin went home, sempat gak amik number fon je.. tp xde la rs sedih pun nk end up the session tu sbb mmg dh x sabar nk balik, letih giler.. sakit kaki pas lari smlm tu x ilang pun lagi… met some old friends from those days, hehe.. from convent school, harniza, kak mazni, from matjiwa, amirul and a junior, can’t remember the name, hehe.. and from utp, ummul, mayo and one kakak IT, pun x ingt nama.. also met ustaz hassan’s daughter, kak haslinda, nasrul, a silat member from USM Penang and sum familiar faces, but couldn’t recall where did I met them before…

not really hoping to pass the assessment since i realized that i performed badly, hehe.. nemind, can always try again next time, insyaAllah.. from the 13,000 candidates sitted for the test last January, only around 2000 passed and selected for the PAC, and only 900 to be called for interview after June, and 300 to be appointed as PTD, and only 5 will be very lucky to become a Diplomat!! ghee.. harapanku sgt tipis skali, hehehe… tp org kata kalo dpt keje ngn kerajaan ni mmg best, ye ke? spa, jpa <-- penaja aku masa wat degree, x byr balik pun lagi the 25% of the rm70k loaned, huhu... masa depan terjamin.. :)

so i guessed that’s all for my report of the assessment, hope sum of you who would want to join PTD will get sum info and can imagine what will the PAC be like.. and me, still here.. continuing with my life, here in the deserted rural area of “Toronto”…..

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