April 18, 2005


day 2 was the longest ever.. woke up at around 7, i prepared myself up for the next activity – kajian kes and case study… untuk kajian kes, the title was: “Siapa Pengganti Weng Kit?” heh, who’s weng kit? haha.. actually we were given this material to be read, about 5 pages in 5 minutes, a dialogue and some info of a company and their problem of financial aiding and recover. we are ought to solve it and decide who’s the one most suitable to be a substitute for the marketing manager, weng kit who is said to be irresponsible and not working hard enough to market their products… but as we read the material it seemed that weng kit is not actually wrong and they cannot put all the blame on him for not getting back the profit as expected…

and for the case study, it was about “Fazlin’s Dilemma” whereby she was asked by Harris Iskandar, a relative who’d helped her to get her current job to spy on a staff in her department, by peeking into his table to get some evidence and info since there were news heard by Harris of the staff’s wrongdoings. the Q was to figure out what should Fazlin do in that situation… what was Harris’s values…

then at around 11 i went into the computer lab to search some info for the pengucapan awam and public speaking. i decided to speak on Budaya for pengucapan awam and Social Illness for public speaking. such boring topics huh? what to do, hehehe… all in all the pengucapan awam was ok but the public speaking was such a disaster.. i kept reading the card all the time during the presentation and until now i really regret for choosing that topic on social illness.. I should have talk on martial arts, better I guess.. huhu.. but what to do.. pasrah je lah… pengucapan awam and public speaking is only 5 minutes for each person, tetapi penantiannya sesungguhnya satu penyeksaan yg amat… 22 ppl in a group.. ghee.. gabra sungguh…

petang tu we had to run round INTAN campus for 2.4 km!! i had this strategy set, hehehe.. I had to start in front, and keep jogging all the way to maintain the front place.. and ummul will be my bench mark, hehehe.. and guess what, it worked! i managed to finish it among the earliest, I guess the first 30 - 40, ok la tu kan, hehe.. the first round around the campus is fine, but in the second round, it was heavily rain, I got soaked in the rain, wet, couldn’t jog nemore, just walked, fast, hehe.. alhamdu lillah, slmt smp tp masyaAllah, sakitnya kakiku slps itu… bajetla tu, maklumla, x biasa berlari..

end of day 2….

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