April 18, 2005


heh, just to pleased my mom actually to attend this assessment. she kinda insists me to try it out, so…. what the heck, just tried it out, anak yg solehah, hehehe... arrived at INTURA (INTAN Wilayah Utara) at 9 am and registered at the domestic office. supposed to put my luggage in the room after that but i just skipped the step and went through an online registration, which then made me to be one of the earliest participants to registration with a body no. 4!! hehe.. ya ampuuuunnn… the tag was so big, i think about 15 cm by 12 cm.. punyala besar to be gantung on the neck for the whole period of the assessment (rugila x de kamera, xdpt nk amik gmbr nombot yg besar tu!!). pas register, had to weigh and measure for height – 73 kg!! and a height of 161.5cm (162 actually, mamat tu x reti nk guna alat tu, ada ke?) pastu kene amik gmbr in group, number 1 to 5 – Bob, nasrul, kak Muna, me and Ati.. then only i took the luggage up to my room (yet to meet the rumet, she had put the things in oledi) and asked boy to go home since everything’s seemed to be fine.

so then i went to look for the room to take this english placement test (dunno wat placement is it about) bole plak aku sesat kat situ, haha.. sengal betull.. dah le panas, pakai baju hitam, siap pakai kot (but then only we know that we are not allowed to wear coats/blazers during the assessment) akhirnya, jumpa jugak bilik tu.. meet my rumet –ruslin haida binti alip (kak lin, a year older) here, hehe.. bole ngam, alhamdu lillah.. the test was only for 25 minutes but since there are too many of us, around 170-180 i guessed, so we split to two session. erm, brape eh soklan? aku pun x ingt.. if i’m not mistaken, 80 Qs kot, to be answered in 25 minutes. xde la susah tp bila dh byk sgt soklan omputeh ni aku jadik kompius plak, haha..

ptg plak ada ujian sahsiah – one paper is 130 Q’s to answered in 45 minutes, YES or NO type. seken one in MCQ, on PTD’s sahsiah.. ada 100 Q’s. balik pi balik mai, seme soklan was kinda same only, cuma dia pusing skit ayatnya tu.. letih sungguh nk jawab.. few of the questions yg aku ingt were: berapa banyakkan segitiga yg dpt anda lihat dlm rajah ini?

A. 12 B. 14 C. 16 D. 18

so, how many did you get, heh? hehehe.. aku kira 2 -3 kali dapat 16 je.. betul ke? hehe… tahle.. pastu ada byk soklan yg berkaitan ngn situasi di pejabat contohnye mcm kalo pekerja kita ada problem, how do we tackle it.. byk betul soklan mcm tu.. soklan ala-ala IQ skit pun ada gak diselitkan, contohnye mcm soklan segitiga tu la..

mlm tu nye aktiviti plak is penyelesaian masalah and problem solving. apa bezanya? of course the first one is you should be discussing in bahasa melayu and the later in english. the 170 – 180 of us are divided into smaller groups of 11. a facilitator helped us on what to do and a panelist is also there to do assessment on us. untuk penyelesaian masalah, the first problem is about pak mat’s will. we are to divide a piece of land to 4 of pak mat’s children, 3 boy and a girl. the shape is as shown:

after 15 minutes of discussion, the group managed to do so, aku la yg solve tu, hehehe… so can you do it? hehehe.. senang je kan~ mcm soklan IQ yg selalu kita buat.. the second problem is kinda hard, the groups didn’t make it although given 30 minutes. the question is to find who has the computer and who drink plain water. given 14 clues we had to arrange it to get to the answer, tp x dpt beb, huhu.. ala, mcm permainan DI MANA PARANG LADING yg men masa kursus motivasi dulu tu… susah la.. fenin.. hehe…

the second hour we proceed with problem solving. 11 of us divided into two smaller groups to construct 4 equal size triangles from 6 sticks of same length given.. huhu.. yg ni pun x dpt nk solve jugak.. only after the presentation BOB (Body no. 1) came out with the idea.. huhu.. do you know how? how do we construct 4 triangles of same size of 6 equal length of sticks? Go out the box guys, it’s 3Ds pyramid! demit!!!

the second problem we are back into 11 in a group. we are given a job and a weight, and we had to defense ourselves on why are we to be on the life boat since the ship is sinking. the boat can carry up to 350kg load to reach the land 100 nautical miles away in 5 days. i was a 65 kg nurse, hehehe.. finally we decided to bring on board a lady with her child, the nurse (that’s me, hehe), a retired civil servant, and an ustaz! hehe.. just for fun, I guess they just want to see how we communicate each other and how did we defend ourselves. so, just keep talking!! huhu…

so, end of day 1…

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