June 1, 2005

dah demam?

heh, it's a famous tagline since the last season of Akademi Fantasia.. am not really sure whether i am one of 'em who had being jangkited by this demam virus, hahah.. not really into it actually, just in favor of watching the concert. with another 12 new students, AF will start it's first concert this saturday at stadium melawati shah alam, and of course la i'll be watching only on tv, x perlu la nk pegi ke shah alam, ahaha... maybe this time again at makteh's house.. yg kerapkali menjadi pesinggahan tatkala berada di kuala lumpur.. the clips are available here. you can actually watch the recorded clips from the site if you're using the broadband, as for me? of la cannot from here.. huhu.. clips of the ujibakat can also be downloaded from jiwang. isk isk.. pesal la nmpk mcm aku ni fanatik sgt ngn AF ni? hahaha...

the students: girls- ekin, amy, akma, elliza, amylea, idayu. and guys- reza, fuad, felix, yazer, aidil, kefli. (isk isk, dh hapal la pulak, dem!!)
....................................................................................................................dah demamkah aku???

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